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Why Do Some Students Do Better with Online School?

Written by Nicole Krempasky on Tuesday, 01 December 2020. Posted in Helpful Tips, Traditional Students

Girl sitting on bed holding cup and looking at notebook

Traditional brick-and-mortar schools don’t always work for every type of learner. Because each student is different with unique learning styles and lives, online school programs can often provide a path for students to perform better than when they attend in-person schools.

What type of student benefits from online school?

There may be many reasons why students choose not to attend a traditional, in-person school, but no matter what the reason is, online school can benefit many types of learners and their needs. JMHS understands that each student is unique both as an individual and as a learner, and online programs offer more flexibility to adapt to each students’ way of learning or their lifestyle. Some students who benefit from online school include:

  • Military children. Military children often face the reality of switching schools every few years based on a parent’s new orders. This can cause a lot of disruption both personally and academically. By attending online school, there’s no need for interrupting your studies, nor do you have to adjust to a new place, new school, and making new friends all at once.
  • Working students. Even if you’re enrolled in high school, you might be working, too. With a traditional school, you’re limited to which hours you can work as well as finding time to dedicate to your studies. With online school, you can adapt your class and study time to your work schedule, allowing you to continue saving or taking care of necessities.
  • Children with illnesses or other ailments. Unfortunately, illness is a reality many children face. Treatments, hospitalizations, and days when they’re not feeling well can prevent them from attending class in-person. With online school, they don’t have to worry about missing classwork and falling behind. They can study at their own pace, focusing on their health.
  • Adult learners. Life sometimes takes turns that we’re not expecting, not allowing us to complete milestones on a traditional timetable. With online school, you don’t have to miss out. It’s a great way for adults who have commitments such as children or jobs to complete their high school education without having to sacrifice in other areas of their lives.

How does a student benefit from a different schedule?

Flexibility matters throughout life, even for high school students. With online school, students can not only choose where to work, but with self-paced courses you can also choose when and how to work as well. For instance, some students get bored spending too much time on one subject. Boredom can lead to a loss of interest and not focusing enough, causing their academics to suffer. For these students, they have the option of choosing to take on more classes to keep their active minds focused.

For others, the opposite is true. Trying to concentrate on many subjects at the same time can be frustrating, making them feel overwhelmed. Instead of feeling worried by taking on too much at once, these students can dedicate their study time to focusing on one or two subjects until they feel confident that they’ve been mastered before moving on to another. Plus, online school allows you to work when you’re at your best. Some people work best in the morning, some at night, and others anywhere in between. If you’re feeling burned out or unable to concentrate, you can take a break and revisit your classes when you’re feeling more refreshed and able to focus, unlike a traditional school with a set schedule.

The flexibility of online school can relieve some stress, too. Spreading yourself too thin can take a toll your mental health and personal life and those in it as well. Self-paced classes allow adult learners the freedom to schedule their studies around family and work; there’s no need to give up a full-time job or time with your children to attend classes, so you can focus on what’s important in life. It also allows children in military families to stick to their schedule regardless of where their parents’ careers may take them.

Tackle high school your own way with JMHS

No matter where you are in life, high school can be stressful enough on its own. Make it easier on yourself by making sure your education works for you. Choose to study online, where you want, and how you want with James Madison High School. Talk to an Admissions Advisor today at to learn more or get started by enrolling online.

About the Author

Nicole Krempasky

Nicole Krempasky

Nicole Krempasky earned a BA in Communications with a minor in Art History from Arcadia University. Just finishing her MA in International Journalism from Edinburgh Napier University, she is putting her writing and research skills to use as Penn Foster’s Marketing Coordinator. Nicole enjoys baking, traveling, and British TV.