Sadly, when it comes to online education, there are a lot of scams out there. Some online high schools will try to lure you with low tuition prices, but don’t mention that they aren’t an accredited school. James Madison High School, however, is fully accredited and also has a long track record of sending students to prestigious universities and colleges.
The problem with unaccredited high schools is that they may offer degrees that are essentially worthless. Since the school isn’t accredited, the diploma itself isn’t either. Employers and colleges might simply not accept it. When a student completes a degree at an accredited online high school, however, the diploma will be respected and accepted.
Of course, not all online schools, even accredited ones, are created equal. James Madison High School stands out among even its accredited peers, offering a top notch educational platform and a world-class staff. JMHS also offers a full range of individual courses for those make up a missed credit or catch up with their class.
Here are a few reasons why students should only attend an accredited high school like JMHS:
This has already been discussed, but it’s so important it needs to be mentioned again. Unaccredited high school diplomas are often rejected by organizations. That includes colleges, employers, the government and various other organizations. You can avoid these potential downfalls by attending an accredited online high school.
Anyone can set up an office or a website and call it a high school. Accredited online high schools, however, have to be closely examined and vetted by professional associations to ensure that they are meeting educational standards and requirements. This means that students can be assured that they are receiving a high-quality education.
Sometimes you’ll have to transfer high school credits. This could be you if you need to make up a class that you missed or struggled with at your local brick and mortar school. High school credits from accredited online high schools are far more likely to be transferred. Students often find that credits from unaccredited schools simply aren’t accepted. Classes taken at accredited online high schools, however, are often accepted with little trouble.
Note: JMHS also accepts high school transfer credits. This could be important to you if you don’t want to have to start over and repeat courses you have already taken. It could help you graduate faster and reduce your tuition.So when you’re picking out the right online high school to continue your education, consider an accredited institution like the affordable and flexible, James Madison High School.