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What Individual Courses Can I Take at JMHS?

Written by Nicole Krempasky on Monday, 02 November 2020. Posted in Helpful Tips, Traditional Students

Girl carrying books

Traditionally, we think of high school classes as part of a full curriculum that need to be taken together, instead of as stand-alone classes that can be taken on their own. But James Madison High School knows not every student has the same needs and sometimes just wants, or requires, a single course. That’s why you can enroll in individual high school classes instead of a full program.

Why would I take an individual course?

The option to take individual high school courses is sometimes a necessary one, though not often thought of until the need arises. There are many reasons why an individual course rather than a full curriculum might better suit your needs or desires. Some of the reasons James Madison High School’s self-paced, online courses might be right for you include:

  • You missed, didn’t complete, or failed a class
  • You need credits to catch up with your graduating class
  • You’re working ahead or making up courses in summer school
  • You are supplementing homeschool curriculum

What are the benefits of taking an individual course?

Studying an individual course can be helpful at all stages of your schooling. They can be started at any point during the year, with work being completed online throughout the day or during the evenings at your own pace, so you can choose when, where, and how to study that best works for you. Besides being a convenient option if you need to make up missed or failed classes, they can also help you get ahead if you have extra time during summer or winter breaks and are looking to graduate early.

Additionally, individual courses can benefit different types of learners. If you’re a student who does better focusing on one subject at a time, you can enroll in individual courses in order to focus on and master one subject at a time before moving on to the next, instead of studying six or seven at once like you would in a traditional school. Or perhaps there’s one subject area that’s more of a struggle to learn as a homeschool student or to teach as a parent to a homeschool student. That class can be supplemented with a JMHS individual course.

What individual classes are available?

Whether you’re homeschooling, need additional credits, or have courses left to complete, JMHS has selected specific classes that are part of traditional public school core subject areas for students to choose from on an individual basis, such as:

  • Math. You can supplement, complete, or work ahead in subjects like Algebra, Geometry, and Pre-calculus.
  • Social Studies. JMHS’ individual social studies classes include courses in American History, American Government and Economics, and World History.
  • Science. Maybe you’re interested in adding additional classes to your high school resume. You can choose from courses in Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, and Physics.
  • English. Maybe you struggle with talking in front of a crowd or just need more practice. In addition to regular English classes levels I through IV, JMHS also offers supplemental classes in Public Speaking.
  • Foreign Language. Our world is becoming more diverse, making knowledge of a foreign language not only a necessity but a great way to connect with people from different backgrounds. You can take Spanish classes at three levels to brush up on your skills.

If you’re planning to work ahead for an early graduation or are looking for more of a challenge, there are also college prep classes like American History, World History, American History & Economics, Biology, and English to help prepare you for further academic study.

Get a leg up with JMHS

Whatever the reason you may choose an individual class (or two or three), complete the coursework you need online and at your own pace with James Madison High School. Get started by calling our Admissions team at to learn more or enroll online today.

About the Author

Nicole Krempasky

Nicole Krempasky

Nicole Krempasky earned a BA in Communications with a minor in Art History from Arcadia University. Just finishing her MA in International Journalism from Edinburgh Napier University, she is putting her writing and research skills to use as Penn Foster’s Marketing Coordinator. Nicole enjoys baking, traveling, and British TV.