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Tips to Help Your Teen Get the Best Results from High School Homeschooling Online

Written by James Madison High School on Monday, 29 October 2018. Posted in Traditional Students

Tips to Help Your Teen Get the Best Results from High School Homeschooling Online

If you feel nervous about the idea of your teenager doing an online high school program instead of attending a brick-and-mortar institution, you’re not alone. But online high school can be an excellent choice for teenagers who learn best on their own, who need the flexibility of progressing at their own pace, or who want to hold down a job while they earn their high school diploma.

Whether your teen attends a traditional high school or an online institution, he or she will rely on you for guidance to achieve success. If your teens opt for an online homeschool high school experience, try these tips to help them achieve success.

1. Teach your teen how to plan

Whether adult learners or teenagers, the students who achieve success with online education all have one trait in common: they know how to plan their study schedule. Teenagers have less experience than adults when it comes to juggling multiple responsibilities and being self-directed, though, so you can help in this area by collaborating with your teen to craft a study schedule that works for him or her.

Help your teen devise a dedicated study schedule. If your child is a night owl who prefers to read lessons and complete homework at midnight, that’s okay The goal is to get the work done. In fact, the beauty of online high school is that your teen can study at any time of day. Staying flexible and revise the study schedule as needed to achieve the best results.

2. Be supportive of the study schedule

Once your teen commits to a dedicated schedule for doing classes and homework, be supportive of the agenda by not scheduling family activities or other appointments during the designated homework time. Help your teen avoid peer pressure to skip out on schoolwork by suggesting he or she turn off electronic devices while studying. Don’t allow siblings to pester or interrupt your teen during the study period. When you show your support in this way, your teenager feels empowered to set his or her own boundaries with others, which can lead to success in online high school and in life.

3. Help your teen learn to take academic responsibility

Make time in the study schedule to review your teenager’s work load, due dates, and work-in-progress. If your student receives poor marks on an assignment, encourage a chat with the instructor about how the work could have been improved. Teaching your teen to interact constructively and respectfully with the teacher are valuable skills your teen will use throughout life. This approach will help your child earn better grades, develop confidence to ask hard questions, and learn to accept constructive criticism.

Learn More About Online High School Homeschooling

If your teenager has expressed interest in online homeschooling as an alternative to attending high school in person, learn more about how James Madison High School can provide your child with an excellent education using self-paced courses for custom-fit studying. Talk to an admissions advisor today to find out how your teen can earn a diploma online.

About the Author

James Madison High School

James Madison High School

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