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Online High School Students: You Can Qualify for Micro-Scholarships to College

Written by James Madison High School on Tuesday, 10 April 2018. Posted in College Bound, Traditional Students

Online High School Students: You Can Qualify for Micro-Scholarships to College

It’s a hot topic on the minds of all college-bound online, homeschool, and traditional high school students (and their parents): “How will I pay for college?”

Wouldn't it be a dream if there was a way to earn college scholarship money without having to write flowery essays, and gather glowing recommendation letters, and worry that your extracurriculars weren't quite enough?

Well, it's not a dream. There is a very real way to do just that! A website called RaiseMe allows high school students to earn micro-scholarships for college without all the competition. In fact, James Madison High School students have earned almost 12,000 micro-scholarships thanks to Raise.Me. The average amount of scholarship funds earned? Approximately $8,000 each!

Here’s How RaiseMe Works

Each RaiseMe partner college and university has a unique program for awarding micro-scholarships through the website. Scholarships are based on a variety of things you can accomplish during high school. For example:

  • Finishing a specific course
  • Scoring well on the SAT or ACT
  • Maintaining a certain GPA
  • Participating in sports or extracurriculars
  • Working a job outside of school
  • Volunteering in the community

"At RaiseMe, we’re expanding access to higher education so that every student has a shot at the American Dream."

How to get started

To find out which micro-scholarships may be available to you, create an account with RaiseMe. It takes just a few minutes and it's completely worth that little bit of effort.

  1. Sign up and create a profile at
  2. Add your achievements. You'll see right away how courses, grades, community service, work experience, special projects, and more can add up to scholarship funds in your RaiseMe online "Portfolio." Keep adding achievements as you complete more courses, earn honors, etc.
  3. Discover opportunities to earn micro-scholarships through the "Scholarships" tab. Browse through the cards and click "Add" to the ones that already apply to you.
  4. Find your favorite colleges and universities through the "Colleges" tab. RaiseMe will give you recommendations or let you search on your own. Click "Following" on the ones whose scholarship offers you'd like to track. RaiseMe will keep a running tally in a sidebar on your "Portfolio" page.

RaiseMe is so easy to use. Don't wait until the end of the school year to update your account information. Your college ambitions may change once you see how much you're earning in micro-scholarships from different schools.Register today and be sure to let us know when you receive those micro-scholarships–we love to celebrate our students’ wins!

About the Author

James Madison High School

James Madison High School

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