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JHMS Moms Succeed In High School And Life

Written by Nicole Dalbo on Monday, 21 November 2022. Posted in Helpful Tips

JHMS Moms Succeed In High School And Life

High school has its own challenges but add motherhood on top of that and you’re at an entirely new level! Despite the many responsibilities they have and the hurdles they face, moms everywhere are tending to their classes and their children while also managing everything else in life. Get a sneak peek into James Madison High School’s Student Community and see how the moms there are supporting other JMHS moms in accomplishing their goals.

1. JMHS moms are all about sharing their strategies.

If you’re a parent (or soon-to-be parent) and pursuing your high school diploma, you’re not alone. With two out of every five JMHS students* identifying as a caregiver to at least one child, it’s no surprise that JMHS moms banded together within the Student Community.

Mothers with children ranging from newborn to adult connect in a community forum dedicated to them to discuss their inspirations, hopes and dreams, and most importantly how they overcome their challenges as both mom and student as they navigate their way to finish high school. These hardworking women often come across the colliding worlds of school and motherhood and know how important these words of encouragement and study tips can be to other moms.

JMHS Community member KLazare-Mathura23 shared how her child encourages her to put the time in to her schoolwork.

“I have a 3-year-old son. He actually encourages me to study. He is very active and independent, so he reads on his own and looks at educational programs on TV while he tells me, 'Mommy, go and do your schoolwork.' So, I am actually able to put in some hours of studying on evenings and during the weekend when he is with me.”

2. JMHS moms motivate each other to reach their goals.

With all the responsibilities of motherhood, life, and everything in between, completing online high school isn’t easy. Other mothers experiencing this challenge recognize just how difficult it could be—but that doesn’t set them off their path. Instead, they actively motivate and encourage other moms to reach their goals!

A new student to JMHS, Student Community member SAndrew74, reached out to fellow JMHS moms to let her know their impact on her.

“I am so proud of you all for taking this step, especially now that we have children; showing them that no matter what your age, furthering your education is within reach… I just want you to know that you're all in my prayers and I’m rooting for you all. Thank you for inspiring me! Many blessings to you all... Let’s get it!!!”

The positivity brought on by these moms to push each other to the finish line is infectious as much as it is inspiring. Even after graduating, moms are checking in with one another to encourage others to make it through, just like user KVilliva05.

“UPDATE! I did it!! I completed my courses!!!!! So very proud of myself. Good luck to all that are studying now—I know that you too can do it.”

3. JMHS moms are role models for their own children.

Many of the moms at JMHS are pursuing their diploma not only for further opportunities for themselves and their families, but also to selflessly inspire their children to pursue their goals as well.

JMHS Community member JEwing73 shared her story about how her children inspired her to go back to school, and how she hopes to inspire them as well!

“My children's ages are 18,17,15,14. Three boys and one girl! I'm very excited about this new chapter of my life!

My oldest just graduated from high school. He is so excited that I have decided to get my high school diploma! He is hoping that I'm able to finish all of my courses before the start of the new year. He thinks that it will be cool that we graduated in the same year. He is ok with it if not though, just as long as I get my diploma—that's truly all he cares about!

All of my children think that it’s awesome that I have decided to take this long journey to get my diploma! They don't even realize that they're the very reason that I'm doing this—so that I can go to college and be able to provide a better life for them. After all, our children are the reason that we get up every day!

I truly say that my children have really been the ones that inspired me to go back, even though they thought that I was being funny when I told them I was going back. I want my children to see that you can do anything you want to do; all you need is the willpower!”

Being a mom is so much more than taking care of basic needs—it’s nurturing the life of another human as they’re figuring out the world. And what better way to help than figure it out than to be a role model and guide them toward achieving their goals even if they may be difficult?

Going back to school and earning a high school diploma can open new doors that were unavailable before, such as new career opportunities, college, and entering the military. On average, those who have earned their diploma earn nearly $10,000 per year more than those without, leading to a more comfortable way of living.

If you’re ready to go back to school and commit to taking the first steps that may lead to more opportunities for you and your family, then James Madison High School can help you along the way. JMHS is a self-paced, accredited online high school that can help you own your education around your busy schedule. Get started today by enrolling at or reach out to an Admissions Specialist at 1-800-349-6861 for more information on earning your high school diploma.

Source: [Unpublished raw data on James Madison High School student demographics]. James Madison High School (2022).

About the Author

Nicole Dalbo

Nicole Dalbo

Nicole Dalbo studied English Literature with a minor in Women’s Studies from the University of Scranton and is currently working toward her MS in Marketing. When she isn’t writing, Nicole can be found watching the newest Marvel movie, baking something sweet, or jamming out to live music.