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How Do High School Transfer Credits Work?

Written by James Madison High School on Monday, 21 October 2019. Posted in Adult Learner, Traditional Students

Girl studying with book in hand.

Earning your diploma is essential to finding a job and pursuing a college degree or career after graduation. Traditional high school - going to a physical school every day, sitting in a classroom with other students in your grade - isn’t going to work for you, though. So, the next step is searching for an online high school program that fits your goals. You don’t want to start from the beginning; the thought of repeating things you’ve completed seems frustrating. With transfer credits, however, you can pick up where you left off! Here’s what you need to know about transferring your credits to James Madison High School.

Does James Madison High School accept transfer credits?

Yes! James Madison’s online high school diploma program covers a 9th through 12th-grade curriculum, with all Math and English courses aligned to Common Core State Standards. Your online courses include History, English, Math, Science, and electives, for a total of 23 credits that are required to graduate. Of those 23 credits, you can transfer in up to 17 from your previous high school. We accept full and half credits, so even if you haven’t completed a full year’s worth of classes, you might have some transferable credits which can allow you to graduate a bit faster and save some money on tuition.

How does transferring credits work?

Transferring credits from your previous school to James Madison isn’t difficult at all! There are three easy steps to sending in your transcripts after enrolling in the online high school program.

  • Open the transcript request form, print it, and fill out all of the information required.
  • Send the completed form to your previous school or the Board of Education in your area.
  • Your school should then fax (770-729-8578) or mail your official transcript to us at:
    James Madison High School
    Attn: Transcripts
    6625 The Corners Parkway, Suite 500
    Norcross, GA 30092

Remember, it’s important that you get your transcripts into JMHS within 90 days of starting your high school program so that we can evaluate your credits and determine your appropriate grade level and classes as soon as possible.

How long does it take and will I know what credits transfer?

Whether you fax or mail your transcripts or your previous school sends them to us, once they’re received you’ll receive an email confirming we have them. From the time you receive the email, you should allow 7-10 full business days for the transcript team to process and evaluate your credits. Once the registrar is finished, you’ll receive another email advising you which classes transferred, how many credits you have left to graduate, and what monetary discount you may receive on your tuition.

You should always hear how many transferable credits you received, so when you enroll make sure your email address on file is accurate and up to date so you don’t miss it.

What requirements do you have to meet to transfer classes to JMHS?

To transfer classes to James Madison, you must have attended a school accredited by Cognia, a nationally accredited school, or have homeschool records that show documentation of the work you’ve completed. The registrar will look at your completed classes and the grades you received for them to determine whether or not they can be considered for transfer.

We only accept passing grades, so if you failed a class, it more than likely won’t be eligible to transfer in. That’s okay! That just means you have a second chance to rock that class and pass with flying colors and at your own pace this time!

Do you have to have transcripts to enroll in James Madison High School?

If you’re under 18 years old, when you are enrolled in James Madison, your parents or guardian will need to show a school transcript, a homeschooling portfolio, or standardized test scores indicating you have at least an 8th grade-level proficiency in all subjects.

If you’re an adult learner, you can waive the transcript requirement by filling out a transcript exemption form which can be found in your Student Portal.

Transfer your credits and start whenever you’re ready at James Madison High School.

With James Madison’s online high school program, you can start your classes any time, year-round. Get started today or, if you have more questions about how transfer credits work at JMHS, call to speak with our admissions team at .

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James Madison High School

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