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For Parents

James Madison is the No. 1 Online High School for 2018-2019

Written by James Madison High School on Tuesday, 18 September 2018. Posted in Adult Learner, College Bound, For Parents, Traditional Students, Success Stories

James Madison is the No. 1 Online High School for 2018-2019

A popular school rankings website recently awarded us an exciting upgrade!

For the 2017-2018 academic year, we were pleased to be No. 11 on the Best College Reviews list of The 25 Best High Schools Online. We’re trying to be really chill about their new list, but we can barely contain ourselves because, not only did we break into the Top 10, we made to the very top!

7 Reasons My Son Chose James Madison High School Online

Written by James Madison High School on Tuesday, 31 July 2018. Posted in College Bound, For Parents

Studying in front of computer

“Mom, I can’t take it anymore.”

These are the words - or something similar - many parents dread hearing from their teenagers when it comes to facing another day in a traditional brick-and-mortar high school.

How to Earn High School Credits Fast

Written by James Madison High School on Tuesday, 17 April 2018. Posted in College Bound, For Parents

How to Earn High School Credits Fast

Are you looking for a quick way to make up some high school credits over the summer?

Online high school is perfect for that!

Our individual courses are a popular solution for students from traditional high schools who need to make the most of summer break. The self-paced, online format easily fits into a summer schedule that’s filled with family vacations, summer jobs, and other adventures that would otherwise be co-opted by required attendance at a brick-and-mortar summer school location. But, the very best part? A course may be completed in as few as 6 weeks–how’s that for fast?

How to Detect Signs of Bullying

Written by James Madison High School on Sunday, 11 March 2018. Posted in For Parents

Why Online High School Is so Much Fun When You Bring a Friend Along

With between one-quarter and one-third of U.S. children admitting to being bullied, it’s no wonder parents are concerned. Many of these parents are opting to enroll their teen in a virtual high school. Often, young adults who feel alienated among their peers thrive in an online academic environment. But because bullied teens often hesitate to confide in an adult, parents should be on the lookout for indicators in their child’s behavior that something may be wrong. Being schooled in the signs of bullying can help you take steps to intervene.

Dealing with a Bully? Virtual High School Offers Options for Your Child

Written by James Madison High School on Wednesday, 14 February 2018. Posted in For Parents

Virtual High School Offers Options for Dealing with Bullying

According to government statistics, “...between 1 in 4 and 1 in 3 U.S. students say they have been bullied at school.” That’s over 10 million students. Most of this bullying takes place on school grounds, whether it’s the cafeteria, the gym, the hallway, the parking lot or even on the school bus. While school administrators and state and local lawmakers are working hard to prevent and stop bullying, if your child is facing emotional or physical battery, an immediate option is to enroll your child in a virtual high school.

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