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College Bound

Is a JMHS Diploma Accepted at All Colleges?

Written by Nicole Krempasky on Tuesday, 03 January 2023. Posted in College Bound, Helpful Tips

Female in Cap and Gown

A big part of planning for your future involves knowing what you want to do after high school. If you have your sights set on continuing your education and going on to college, you might be wondering what colleges and universities accept online high school diploma from James Madison High School. Keep reading to find out where your JMHS diploma can take you.

How to Start Building Your Resume in High School

Written by Nicole Krempasky on Tuesday, 06 October 2020. Posted in College Bound, Helpful Tips

Blank resume on clipboard with laptop.

When you think of a resume, you associate it with job searches. You might think of people starting a job for the first time after college or in the middle of their careers, looking for a change. While that’s still true, resumes can be useful for more than just adults on the job hunt. With teens having more responsibility and trying to enter competitive programs, high school is actually a great time to get started working on yours.

How to Decide What to Do After Graduation

Written by James Madison High School on Wednesday, 15 January 2020. Posted in College Bound, Traditional Students

Student studying in cafe.

As you get closer to finishing high school, people can’t seem to stop asking “what do you plan to do with the rest of your life?” That’s a big question to answer. It can even be a little scary - if what you choose to do after high school decides the rest of your life, will a “mistake’ set you back? Before going into a full-on panic about what will happen after graduation, here’s how you can start deciding what you want to do when you finish your diploma.

James Madison is the No. 1 Online High School for 2018-2019

Written by James Madison High School on Tuesday, 18 September 2018. Posted in Adult Learner, College Bound, For Parents, Traditional Students, Success Stories

James Madison is the No. 1 Online High School for 2018-2019

A popular school rankings website recently awarded us an exciting upgrade!

For the 2017-2018 academic year, we were pleased to be No. 11 on the Best College Reviews list of The 25 Best High Schools Online. We’re trying to be really chill about their new list, but we can barely contain ourselves because, not only did we break into the Top 10, we made to the very top!

What is Credit Recovery?

Written by James Madison High School on Monday, 03 September 2018. Posted in College Bound, Helpful Tips

Student in front of computer

Credit recovery courses allow high school students to earn credits for coursework they need in order to graduate. Typically, credit recovery courses are used by students who failed or are unable to access a course required for graduation. Completing the course independently through an online high school allows them to “recover” the necessary credits needed to complete their education.

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