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Adult Learner

How Can A High School Diploma Help In Your Job Search

Written by James Madison High School on Monday, 01 June 2020. Posted in Adult Learner

Textbooks and notes on table.

Having a high school diploma can help you meet the basic requirements for many in-demand careers and allow you to take the next steps toward securing a job you’re interested in. With a few exceptions, most employers today are unlikely to even consider an application from someone who doesn’t meet their minimum education requirements. But besides getting your application to the next stage of the hiring process, completing your high school diploma has other benefits that can make a positive impression when you’re applying to jobs, from helping you develop problem-solving skills to building your understanding of the basic math and reading you’ll use every day.

Tips to Balance Work and School

Written by James Madison High School on Tuesday, 24 March 2020. Posted in Adult Learner

Woman working on laptop with notebook.

As an adult learner, school isn’t your only priority. While you know you need to finish your high school diploma, you also need to work, spend time with family, and try to squeeze in some downtime for yourself. Staying on track with all of your responsibilities can be a job in itself but with a little planning, balancing work, school, and your life is doable. Here’s how to get started.

How Do High School Transfer Credits Work?

Written by James Madison High School on Monday, 21 October 2019. Posted in Adult Learner, Traditional Students

Girl studying with book in hand.

Earning your diploma is essential to finding a job and pursuing a college degree or career after graduation. Traditional high school - going to a physical school every day, sitting in a classroom with other students in your grade - isn’t going to work for you, though. So, the next step is searching for an online high school program that fits your goals. You don’t want to start from the beginning; the thought of repeating things you’ve completed seems frustrating. With transfer credits, however, you can pick up where you left off! Here’s what you need to know about transferring your credits to James Madison High School.

Relax! Earning An Adult High School Diploma Online Can Be a Stress-Free Experience

Written by James Madison High School on Monday, 11 February 2019. Posted in Adult Learner

Relax! Earning An Adult High School Diploma Online Can Be a Stress-Free Experience

For adult learners who left high school for one reason or another, we have great news: Obtaining your adult high school diplomas has never been easier or more stress-free than today! If looking back on your high school experience fills you with anxiety, let’s look at how choosing an online high school can help you overcome the three most common obstacles that may be holding you back from returning to earn your diploma.

4 Reasons Why You Need Your Adult High School Diploma

Written by James Madison High School on Monday, 10 December 2018. Posted in Adult Learner

4 Reasons Why You Need Your Adult High School Diploma

Adults have many reasons for going back to high school to earn their diplomas. Some want to be a good role model for their children and grandchildren. Others want the personal satisfaction of completing the accomplishment. And for many, the chance to earn better wages tops the list. Here are four good reasons why you need your adult high school diploma – and how to earn it.

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