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5 tips to help you make the most of going back to school online

Written by Nicole Krempasky on Thursday, 10 September 2020. Posted in Traditional Students

Laptop, notebook, and backpack.

The school year is coming back in full swing for kids across the country. While everyone gets the first day jitters, you might have some added anxiety if you’re starting school online. James Madison High School has some tips to help you prepare for the upcoming year and make the most of your online education.

5 tips to help you make the most of going back to school online

  • Be organized. Organization is a key element to success. If you’re disorganized, chaos and confusion will ensue, making even the simplest tasks seem harder. Invest in a planner or keep a calendar and to-do list so you know your assignments and what to work on next. Being well organized reduces stress in addition to saving time, which can leave you more time to focus on the other things you enjoy.
  • Have a dedicated workspace. Keep an area that’s just for schoolwork. It doesn’t have to be an entire room or a fancy desk, but have a quiet area that’s strictly for studying and classwork so nothing gets confused or mixed up. This helps to maintain organization and keep you focused while working.
  • Limit distractions. Schoolwork can be tedious from time to time for even the best students in the most interesting subjects. That means you might also be easily distracted on occasion. Limit those possibilities by keeping tempting attention grabbers at a minimum. Silence your cell phone, or better yet, put it away when you’re doing schoolwork. Set up your workspace away from TVs and keep video games out of sight so your attention doesn’t stray.
  • Set a schedule. Having a schedule will ensure you get your work done in a timely manner. James Madison allows you to work at your own pace, so you don’t have to rush from schoolwork to go to a job or another responsibility. But even though your class times are flexible, it’s still a good idea to implement a schedule so you have a set amount of time each day committed to your studies. Maintaining a routine also makes you use time more efficiently and focus your energy more productively.
  • Set goals. Schoolwork can certainly be overwhelming, so getting goals helps to streamline what you’re doing as well as giving you something to look forward to. Goals don’t need to be big, just little benchmarks to strive for. Accomplishing these can instill self-confidence, making the next task seem a lot more achievable.

Start school now with James Madison

James Madison High School can help all types of learners at any stage. Our self-paced, accredited online courses are geared to fit all lifestyles, allowing you to complete your work when and where is convenient. Set your first goal by calling our Admissions team today at or enroll online now.

About the Author

Nicole Krempasky

Nicole Krempasky

Nicole Krempasky earned a BA in Communications with a minor in Art History from Arcadia University. Just finishing her MA in International Journalism from Edinburgh Napier University, she is putting her writing and research skills to use as Penn Foster’s Marketing Coordinator. Nicole enjoys baking, traveling, and British TV.