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5 Reasons Finishing High School Online Could Be Right for your Child

Written by Allison Brenner on Tuesday, 08 April 2014. Posted in Helpful Tips

5 Reasons Finishing High School Online Could Be Right for your Child

You know your child. You know she's resourceful and smart. You want the best for her and that includes an education that will prepare her for success in college and in the real world. But, she's not thriving and meeting her potential in a traditional high school class setting. Maybe she's a right-brained learner and needs creative ways to process and retain information. Maybe she's a victim of incessant bullying. Or, perhaps she now has the responsibility of raising her own child, and finishing her education. An estimated 1.8 million students were enrolled in distance education courses for the 2009-10 school term: well over half (74%) were enrolled in high school online

When you're researching your child's options for obtaining his or her diploma through distance education, there are several factors to consider that may assist with your final decision. Many parents who chose James Madison High School for their child did so based on the recommendations and experiences of other parents with enrolled students. Plus, our attractive no-interest tuition and self-structured payment plans are some of the most competitive in the distance learning arena.

The following list are the top 5 reasons parents and guardians and educators choose to enroll their students in high school online.

1. Flexibility

Completing a high school diploma online is a perfect choice for children with unusual schedules. Whether performing arts or sports related, distance learning allows talented children to complete high school courses online as quickly as they are able. Flexibility also allows the traditional student to study when they best retain information, for some that could mean early morning study, while for others, late afternoon and evening study.

2. Self-Paced

You may remember that history course that you soared through with an insatiable appetite, while your classmates were just meeting the required task level. What about that math or science class that you dreaded 2nd period each day simply because you just didn't pick up as quickly as your classmates. If you have a child who struggles in either direction, enrolling her in online high school will allow her to take as much time to process and retain her lessons as she needs. Self-paced study removes the angst or boredom from the learning equation by allowing her to increase her pace in strong subjects and take her time in challenge subjects.

3. Avoid Distraction/Negative Peer Influence

Perhaps you have a child with an impulse control disorder such as ADD or ADHD, one who is surrounded by children heading down a less than desirable path or a child who is tormented by peers during their school day. Finishing high school online can alleviate the negative influences and enable her to focus on academics.

4. High School Credit Recovery/Early Graduation

Maybe your child has suffered a prolonged illness, perhaps you've PCSed several times in your child's academic career and because of varying standards from state-to-state, he's faced with playing catch up just to graduate on time. Enrolling him in single high school online courses can put him in a better position to graduate on time or give him the edge to graduate early and move on to college ahead of his peers.

5. Access to Unavailable Subject Matter

Parents living in disadvantaged or rural school districts may find that due to too few enrolled students, schools never offer or only periodically offer courses necessary to meet state graduation or college acceptance requirements. Choosing high school online with curricula that is competitive, transferable and has a high acceptance rate with colleges and military programs is often the perfect solution for their child's needs.

High School Online with JMHS

Whether you're the parent of a struggling or gifted child or an educator working to bridge the gap for your students with recovery credits or advanced courses, the flexible, self-paced nature of high school online is designed to foster interest in subjects in which your child excels or flounders while preparing him or her for success in a college environment and in the real world.

About James Madison High School

James Madison High School is built for the real world. At JMHS, we believe the benefits of online learning can be life changing and should be accessible to all.

James Madison High School is nationally accredited by Cognia and the Distance Education Accrediting Commission.

Together with our parent school, Ashworth College, we have built a tradition of excellence by offering students worldwide an extensive range of online college degrees, online certificate programs, career training and online high school diploma options that are affordable and fit the busy schedules of traditional high school students and working adults.

Have Questions or Ready to Enroll?

Call 1-800-349-6861 to speak with an admissions representative today or enroll your child online now!

Source: 1 Queen, B., and Lewis, L. (2011). Distance Education courses for Public Elementary and Secondary School Students: 2009-10 (NCES 2012-009). U.S. Department of Education National Center for Education Statistics.

About the Author

Allison Brenner

Allison Brenner

Allison Brenner is a copywriter for both James Madison High School and Ashworth College. Alli holds a B.S. in Journalism from the Georgia Southern University College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences.