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We're here 9am-9pm ET Mon-Fri

Questions on enrolling? We're here 9am-9pm ET Mon-Fri


James Madison High School Blog

Giving You the Freedom & Flexibility to Learn

Earn your high school diploma on your own terms and take control of your future. Explore our blog to get an inside look at educational insights, industry hot topics, tips and tricks to help you succeed, and some of our most exciting student and school successes!

Is a High School Diploma Important? (A Realistic Look)

Written by Laura Amendola on Wednesday, 12 February 2025. Posted in Helpful Tips

An out of focus woman holding out a high school diploma.

If you haven’t earned your high school diploma yet, you might be asking yourself, “Do I even need a high school diploma? Why is it important?” While the answer is different for everyone, a diploma can definitely help you on your journey to success. From earning potential, career opportunity outlooks, and finding out if you’re eligible to finish high school—here’s what you need to know about getting your high school diploma and what it may mean for you.

Pros and Cons of Online High School

Written by Laura Amendola on Monday, 04 November 2024. Posted in Helpful Tips

Girl with glasses writing in notebook, sitting at a cluttered desk with laptop open.

Are you considering online high school, but are unsure if it suits you and your educational needs? While you’re the only person that can really make that call, we’ve put together this helpful list of the pros and cons of an online high school diploma to help you discover if an online education might be a good fit for you.

Do I Need to Go to College After High School? (10 College Alternatives)

Written by Laura Amendola on Monday, 16 September 2024. Posted in College Bound

Two women in an office looking at a laptop.

College is a great next step after high school, but it’s not the only choice, nor is it the right choice for everyone. Society can sometimes make it feel like you’re a failure if you decide not to go to college, but this could not be further from the truth. Options like career school, certifications, and training programs exist and are just as respectable and valid as college.

James Madison High School’s Graduate of the Year Winner

Written by Lauren Ambrosio on Thursday, 12 September 2024. Posted in Success Stories

Black & white photo of students and crowd at graduation ceremony; two women in center are cheering.

It’s an exciting time as we celebrate our Graduate of the Year, Triston Andrews! Chosen from over 60 impressive submissions, Triston stood out among our recent graduates for his outstanding achievements and dedication. We’re so proud of all our graduates who have worked so hard to complete their programs.

James Madison High School’s 2024 Graduate of the Year Finalists

Written by Lauren Ambrosio on Thursday, 05 September 2024. Posted in Success Stories

Black & white photo of students and crowd at graduation ceremony; two women in center are cheering.

It’s that time of year! We’re here to recognize and celebrate our amazing JMHS Graduate of the Year finalists! Our five finalists were selected out of over 60 submissions from recent graduates–the decision was very difficult, but as you read more about these finalists, you’ll see why they were selected. We are so proud of our finalists–and all our graduates–for working hard to finish their programs.

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